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These are testimonials of dentist's, prostodontist's and patient's that we at Eikestad Dental have worked with and done work for. These testimonials reflect their views on their experience with Eikestad Dental and the work of Eikestad Dental. It has been a privilege to have work with them, and we at Eikestad Dental look forward to work with them in the future and build sound and resonating working relationships with them.


Dr Retief Wessels

Dr. Retief Wessels


7 July 2014

To Whom It May Concern

I started working with Eikestad Dental in the beginning of January 2014 from a

new private dental practice in Durbanville.

I was initially concerned that the distance between Eikestad Dental lab and our

practice would become a problem. This was however never a problem and their

work was always on time if not ahead of schedule.

Their area of expertise is so diverse, from implant supported crowns to normal

plastics. Their products were always of the highest standard and quality, never


I would highly recommend Eikestad Dental to any dental facility and I am looking

forward to our future endeavors.

With regards,

Dr. Retief Wessels

Dr. G. Bellingan

Ek gebruik al sedert 2012 Eikestad Dental labratorium vir my praktyk se plastiese-, kroon en brug- en implantaat werk.  Ek is baie tevrede met hul diens en kwaliteit van werk en sal enige tandarts of prosthodontist aanbeveel om hul te gebruik vir labratorium werk.

Dr. Stoffberg



Excellent quality work and on-time delivery every time makes Eikestad Dental our number one laboratory of choice!    - The Smile Clinic

Dr. F. Combrink


.​“Eikestad dental is synonymous with quick and efficient service; their mouth guards are always perfectly crafted and delivered on time. We can highly recommend them to anyone. Dr. F Combrink - orthodontist”

Dr. Clara Erasmus


What an amazing dental laboratory! Always friendly, quick and efficient - prepared to walk the extra mile. The techicians show a clear flair and insight in aesthetics and performs the technical skills with perfection. I feel priviledged to have them aboard my team of professionals in my aesthetic dental practice where my patients and I value beauty, efficiency and above all, long time absolute patient satisfaction. A smile without EIKESTAD DENTAL would just not be perfect!





PR. NO: 0166197


Tel: 021 880 1964 ∙ Cell: 084 403 0178 ∙ Fax: 086 581 8141

Canterbury Lane -Winkel/Shop 6 ∙ Paradyskloofsentrum/centre ∙ Stellenbosch ∙ 7600


What a lovely laboratory to be able to work with. Over the short period of working with Zac and Nico, we have received beautiful work and therefore have our patients leaving with a smile. They are extremely friendly and deliver outstanding pieces. The lab is always willing to help and treat each case as best they possibly can, always having the patient’s best interests at heart. It is a privilege to have them as part of our team and we look forward to working with then in the future.


Dr Chris Pistorius, Dr Sannelize de Villiers and Dr Carmen Wilsenach


Dr. G.Schoombee

Zac Louw en Nico Engelbrecht van Eikestad Dental, gee altyd persoonlike aandag aan projekte sowel as aan pasiente, hulle is altyd bereid om te help met vriendelikke diens en oop kommunikasie kanale, hulle bereid willigheid om te help word altyd gewaardeer. Hulle werk is altyd van baie goeie gehalte.

Dr. W.N. Stopforth


Wanneer n pasient kom met die versoek dat jy van n spesifieke lab gebruik maak (waarvan jy self geen vorige ondervinding het nie) is mens maar taamlik huiwerig en skepties. Dit het my onlangs oorgekom toe my pasient versoek dat ek haar 3-eenheid brug afdruk na Eikestad Dental Lab in Stellenbosch stuur. Wat n plesier was dit nie om die brug n week later te kon plaas nie. Perfekte pas, okkulasie en kleur. Beide pasient en tandarts hoogs tevrede met die resultaat. Ek kan Zac Louw en Nico Engelbrecht ten sterkste aanbeveel. Gee die manne gerus n kans om te wys wat hulle kan doen - hulle sal jou nie teleurstel nie!!!

Dr. Z.J. Weber




Since Eikestad Dental  Lab  was established they have been  very professional  and efficient with their various services. We have supported them from the beginning and they have never disappointed.

Our practice mainly orders “ED” mouth guards from them. All our patients have been very impressed with the fitting of the mouth guards as well the different colour schemes that they are able to create.

We also use them for single tooth fittings for patients with missing teeth. They instantly respond to our order and within 24 hours we can insert the tooth for the patient on a fixed appliance.

We would definitely recommend this dental lab to every dentist and prosthodontist.

Dr. F. van Niekerk

"  I have been making use of Eikestad Dental laboratory services for the
past few months and I am very pleased with the exceptional quality of the
work they produce.
Zac and Nico is a friendly team and always helpful.
Dentures made by them fits good and have beautiful aesthetics. It is a
pleasure to deliver work done by Eikestad dental and the customers are very
happy with the finished products.  Dr Febe van Niekerk

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